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August 30, 2023

Pet-friendly Sofas? Here's Everything You Need to Know

Let’s face it, your little four-legged friend is the favourite member of the family. And these days, we want them to be as comfortable and pampered as we are.


Well, forget the days of keeping your pets off the sofa, because here at Snug we've designed our sofas to survive even the fluffiest of snuggles. No more worrying about those accidental snags or that build-up of pet hair, our pet-friendly sofas are built to cope!


But what actually makes our sofas pet-friendly, and how does the material fare better than other furniture coverings? We know it sounds too good to be true, but there are a few production specific elements that have created a winning ‘snug for all the family’ formula.

Snug Modern Chaise Sofa

What actually makes us pet-friendly?

First up, our fabric options are claw-friendly and talon resistant. With no open weave, you don’t have to think about your pets claws getting trapped within the material and pulling the stitches away from the cushion. Snagging is therefore less likely to happen, and your sofa will continue to look good as new, despite being used as a glorified dog bed by your pampered pooch.


When it comes to that pesky pet hair, you’ll be pleased to hear that the smooth nature of the fabric makes it easy for stray hairs to be wiped away. There’ll be no more digging embedded hairs out of the grains of your loose weave tweed or corduroy sofa. Plus, you’ll find that our fabric is much more odor-resistant too. Open weave fabrics can trap hair and dust, and can start to withhold the smell of your special furry friends a little too much. With no open weave, you can keep your sofa smelling fresh for years.


Read More: Our Sofas Are Pooch Approved. Don’t Believe us? See for Yourself…

Pet-friendly, vegan, fabric sofas

The smooth tight weave of our fabrics also means that marks can be wiped off easily. Not only that, but our cushion covers can all come off to be washed while the sofa can continue to be used, and can also be professionally cleaned if needed, too. Plus, if you practice your plumping regularly and give your sofas a quick blast with the vacuum as often as you can, you’ll never even know you have a pet.


We’re all about real life over here, though, and we’re well aware that accidents happen, and that animals can become a little too comfy on our snuggly cushions. And although we are pretty resistant to most events in life, we can’t quite claim indestructibility (yet!), so here’s a short guide to pet eventualities to see you through any disasters.

Pet friendly sofa

Photo Credit: @hauslife

How to Clean Muddy Paw Prints on a Fabric Sofa

With a stain-resistant finish to our fabric, it's as simple as wetting the muddy paw prints and gently rubbing with a cloth to tease the mark away. Has your pup gone a little wild in the sloppy mud? If it's thick mud that has dried in, try brushing it out with a stiff furniture brush instead. Of course, darker colours may also be more forgiving, and luckily for you pet owners, we've got a wide range of swatches such as dark green and dark blue to choose from.

Snug Modern Chaise Corner Sofa

How to Repair Pesky Claw Marks on Fabric Sofas

The soft pile naturally limits claw snagging, but occasionally some deeper scratches may show a little. Resolve this by giving the area a thorough brush with a stiff furniture brush then vacuuming over. The pile needs to be calmed back into the position it was before the scratch, so it may take some gentle teasing. This can also be done by wetting the scratch a little and brushing the pile back into place.


Ultimately the best solution is to try and discourage your pet from any scratching or biting behaviour around the sofa. Although your sofa may be able to withstand it to a certain extent, it would be much nicer to keep their gnashers away from the woodwork and cushions. After all, no one really wants to snuggle up next to a big pile of puppy drool anyway, do they? Try using a bitter spray on the wooden legs to discourage any biting.

How to Get Rid of Potent Pet Odours with a Snug sofa

You'll be pleased to hear that because there's no open weave to catch pet odours, the fabric will naturally resist. But, it's good practice to regularly vacuum the sofa to remove pet dander and keep the couch smelling fresh as a daisy. Pets or not, no one likes a stale room!

Pet friendly velvet sofa
Photo Credit: @essex.cottage

How to Clean Pet Accidents off Velvet Sofas

It happens to the best of us, hey? Well, that's what we can tell our little friends when they have an accident on the sofa, anyway! If caught early, blot the excess moisture away from the stain before using water and a cloth to wipe the stain out. If the stain is older, dampen it with water before teasing it out with a cloth. Further stain removal may be required in particularly heavy cases, but always make sure you spot test the product on the sofa first before applying. Find out more about fabric care here.

How to Remove Rogue Pet Hairs from a Fabric Sofa  

Well, this one's as easy as 1,2,3! The smooth fabric makes it perfect for wiping away pet hair, and you can do this with either a lint roller or a vacuum cleaner.


So, without further ado, call that cute pup up to the couch or curl up next to your furry feline and enjoy those precious moments with your extended family. Life's about living, after all, not worrying about your sofa 24/7.


Oh, and tag us in your snaps over on Insta - we love nothing more than cooing over your cute animals!


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